A byproduct of evolution was erroneous (pre-DNA) thought where the Europeans were thought as the most evolved while various aborigines and other peoples were believed as not even being ‘fully evolved’ to human. This lead to despicable displays that caged human beings as animals.
Between approximately 1870 – 1932 Europeans created “pre-human” zoo displays in cities such as Paris; Hamburg, Germany; Antwerp, Belgium; Barcelona, Spain; London; Milan; Warsaw, Poland; St Louis; and New York City.
These were very popular “ape-men” exhibits where millions went to watch “black people displayed as ‘missing links’ connecting apes to more ‘advanced’ humans, per Darwinian theory”. These black human beings were forced to live in cages in the zoo similar to the animals.
Solid evidence against common descent evolution is, ironically, what many might consider as solid supporting evidence. Phylogenetic analyses are where biologists compare the DNA of allegedly related organisms to determine...