Over the century’s historians and military journals have chronicled specific encounters and details regarding terrible lizards which at the time they called dragons. Such accounts included specific details as to their size...
Evidence for a global flood are literally everywhere around the planet: Fossils found on top of the highest mountains, polystrate tree stumps pierce defiantly through millions of years of rock layers, coal bed graveyards, fossil...
The many cultures of the world have estimated the age of the universe and the earth based on their customs and historical accounts, although while each was different, none were more than 10,000 years. Seeming to indicate that...
Legends of a global or massive flood have been recorded by non-Christian cultures all around the world with details that match those of the bible. Such evidence supports the reality of the event in human history.
The Royal Society of Chemistry admitted that while science education should encourage students to draw conclusions purely from experimental observations, they find that actually at all levels from grade school to university...
Textbooks, professors, high school science teachers, educational television programs, and websites on the internet continue to knowingly perpetuate fraudulent so called "evolution evidence" that has been debunked as misleading or...
Hideously, Darwinian evolutionary principles such as the "survival of the fittest" provided justification for mass murder of millions of innocent people. Murder carried out by Nazi Germany and other evil empires against...
A byproduct of evolution was erroneous (pre-DNA) thought where the Europeans were thought as the most evolved while various aborigines and other peoples were believed as not even being 'fully evolved' to human. This lead to...
Since the first Neanderthal fossils were found in 1856 they were portrayed in museum displays and textbook drawings as a brutish "pre-human" species. However, despite continued spin on the internet, genetic mapping has confirmed...
Lead paleontologist on the Homo naledi (ape) discovery Professor Lee Berger continues to refuse to carbon date his find despite the glaring reality that of the more than 1,500 samples, all are non-permineralized (not fossilized)...
Yet, another front-page human evolutionary find was proclaimed as "The Piltdown Man". Scientific tests confirmed that this portrayal consisted of “deliberate fakes” that were intentionally stained as to appear more aged. The...
A powerhouse story was released in The London News, published with much fanfare by evolutionists, complete with vivid drawings of the discovery of an “ape-men” called Nebraska Man. The evidence consisted of a single molar tooth...
Ernst Haeckel was an avid supporter of Darwin and his naturalistic theory of evolution. In haste to further the cause along, Haeckel drew depictions of embryos with a clear deceptive slant to indicate a common ancestry. He drew...
An apparent half bird, half dinosaur fossil was sold to a dinosaur museum in the USA for $80,000. Excitement boiled over– here was the missing link of bird to dinosaur evolution! National Geographic ran with the story full...
In light of the Mount Saint Helen volcano, petrified forests (such as those found at Yellowstone National Park) are perhaps evidence of a sudden and massive catastrophe that overtook entire forests suddenly by snapping off trees...
The naturalistic view of humanity as emerging from ape-like creatures sets the image of primitive brutish early mankind. However, many ancient structures combined with recorded human history together stand as evidence that...
Human history as documented by written archaeological records dating back to early Neolithic writings about 4500 B.C. Human history before these documented events are based on conjecture and assumptions. The older they claim to...
Ice cores are used to date things in the past. It is thought each layer represents a season and through thousands of seasons the years add up. Here the layers say the plane was buried thousands of years ago but it wasn't...
Stegosaurus stone carving found on Cambodian Temple at Ta Prohm from 1186 AD. How could these ancient Cambodian people have so accurately depicted the Stegosaurus dinosaur that went extinct a supposed 60 million years earlier...
Why does the Chinese zodiac have eleven ordinary animals and a mythological dragon? Could it be that the dragon was also an ordinary animals known to these people thousands of years ago? Perhaps being aware of a dragon (modern...
Tile artwork called “The Nile of Palestrina” from 100 B.C. depicts everyday life in a town east of Rome. The masterpiece names and depicts the hunting of animal species thought to have gone extinct more than 10,000 years earlier...
Cave drawings by North American Indians and others depict dinosaur-like creatures known to these people groups. Such drawings predate the field of paleontology by hundreds of years. Such clear depictions of dinosaurs are a monkey...
Dinosaur figurines dated as being approximately 3,000 years old clearly depict known dinosaur species including triceratops, stegosaurus, and even tyrannosaurus rex. Could these figurines be evidence of human encounters with...