Biological Dating Methods Fossils Geological Global Flood Philosophical


Dinosaurs encased suddenly in sediments while yet engaged in a battle! Such evidence is clear that these fossils were formed by a massive and sudden burial! The level of sediments necessary to instantly immobilize these massive creatures required immense floodwaters and mudslides.

In the Gobi Desert of Mongolia in 1971 a battle was forever preserved by fossilization between a Velociraptor and a Protoceratops. The Velociraptor has embedded its deadly foot claw into the neck of the crouching Protoceratops, near the region that housed the blood supply for the head. In turn, the Protoceratops appears to have bitten and broken the right arm of the Velociraptor, whose left hand grips the head of the Protoceratops.

The American Museum of Natural History remarks about the evidence of sudden burial, “A sudden sand flow may have quickly buried these foes, capturing them in this fighting position”.

The American Museum of Natural History remarks about the evidence of sudden burial, “A sudden sand flow may have quickly buried these foes, capturing them in this fighting position”. That is quite a sand flow to cover tens of tons of animals and leave them unable to move. What catastrophe could cause these massive animals to be suddenly covered in the middle of a battle?