Evolutionary Puzzles Fossils Geological Six Day Creation Young Earth


The fact that dinosaur and mammal prints are found on the same slab goes against the evolutionary idea that mammals were very small and scarce during the time of dinosaurs. Rather evidence shows that mammals and dinosaurs lived at the same time as more mammal fossils continue to be found.

This slab of dinosaur, crocodile, pterosaur, and mammal footprints provides dramatic evidence that supports the biblical account of creation and the Flood. The fact that dinosaur and mammal prints are found on the same slab goes against the evolutionary idea that mammals largely diversified after the dinosaurs. Rather it shows that mammals and dinosaurs lived at the same time.

Fossilized mammal skulls retrieved from a paleontological site in Corral Bluffs, Colo. Credit…HHMI Tangled Bank Studios

This is expected from a creation perspective because all animals were created during Creation Week and had diversified across the earth before the global Genesis Flood began. The rapid formation and preservation of the prints in days or hours is consistent with the rapid processes that occurred during the Flood. Further, the existence of footprints means that the animals were alive, suggesting that the tracks were made as the floodwaters were rising and before they covered all the earth.
