Biological Evolutionary Puzzles Intelligent Design


DNA is similar to computer programming code. Computer coding is binary which means it is written with 2 numbers: 0 and 1. DNA uses a quaternary code consisting of 4 letters: A, C, T, G. From this code 20 different amino acid letters are used to write protein chains into living flesh. It is understood that any coding is derived only by an intelligent source, through an intelligent act, as to accomplish a designed purpose. It is absurd to reason that such code could arise by purely naturalistic processes.

DNA Human deoxyribonucleic acid measures one single strand four molecules wide by 1.6 billion long with 3.2 billion base pairs spanning about 3 feet in length- yet it fits inside nearly every cell of life. This amazing design enables DNA to twist (as a double helix) into living cells down to the microscopic level! 

DNA is a language similar to computer programming code. While computer code is written binary (two characters zero and one) DNA uses a quaternary system (four characters derived from A, C, G, and T, representing the four nucleotide bases of a DNA strand — adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine), together these codes assemble twenty different (amino acid) letters into protein chains.  Through this complex language all the instructions (genomes) for life are assembled by the blueprints of DNA.  DNA does everything possible to avoid any errors during duplication.  (There are exceptions during reproduction via Alleles which are built in function of DNA to allow variety in species such as hair or eye color).  DNA has its own error-correction, self-replication, self-modification, self-diagnostic, self-repair, and self-reproduction capacities.  DNA effectively is doing everything possible not to “evolve” in the sense of mutation outside reproduction. 

DNA has been called the most complex information structure in the universe.