Dating Methods Fossils Geological Global Flood Philosophical


Evolution assures the fossil record is solid evidence for evolution: simple organisms at the lowest layers and complex life at the upper layers. However, millions of fossils are discovered as being “out of order” by not matching this supposed order. Sometimes fossils are off by many millions of years! Evolution excuses these “problems” by suggesting perhaps landslides or earthquakes moved the fossils into the wrong layer. However, the problem is vast and troublesome for the tale of the evolution but fully understandable as a result of a global flood.

Flowering plants in the Precambrian. Pollen fossils, evidence of flowering plants preexisting to spread the pollen, were found in the Precambrian strata. Flowering plants were thought to first have evolved 160 million years ago, however, the Precambrian strata is supposed as being as old as 4.6 billion years old but no less than 550 million years ago according to Encyclopedia Britannica. Even taking the earliest possible placement of the Precambrian layer at 550 million years ago, this places flowering plants in the fossil record at least 390 million years before they were supposed to have evolved. (1)

Birds predate dinosaurs. Another example are dinosaurs which are thought to have perhaps never went extinct and ultimately evolved into modern birds we have today.

The 52-million-year-old rock layer of Fossil Lake in Wyoming holds abundant, exceptionally preserved fossils, such as this early songbird (Eozygodactylus americanus) 

The fossil record does not support this conclusion by placing bird fossils before many dinosaurs. The famous fossil called Archaeopteryx places the first bird at 150 million years ago although dinosaurs went extinct approximately 68 million years ago.

Confuciusornis was a true beaked bird (a duck) that predates the ‘feathered’ dinosaurs which it allegedly evolved from. This bird has been found in the stomach of a dinosaur. (1)

Most people don’t picture a T. rex walking along with a duck flying overhead, but that’s what the so-called ‘dino-era’ fossils would prove!”

The alleged evolutionary transformation of reptiles to birds is fraught with numerous subjective interpretations and conflicting opinions of evolutionary descent.  The fashionable theory is that birds evolved from theropods (carnivorous dinosaurs).

Camp, A.L., On the alleged dinosaurian ancestry of birds, <>, 1998–2000.
Oard, M.J., Bird-dinosaur link challenged, TJ 12(1):5–7, 1998.
Sarfati, J., Ostriches break dino-to-bird theory, Creation 25(1):34–35, 2002.

(Dinosaur to bird evolution is) “one of the grander scientific hoaxes of our age—the paleontological equivalent of cold fusion.”

Olson, S.L., Open Letter to: Dr Peter Raven, Secretary, Committee for Research and Exploration, National Geographic Society, 1 November 1999.

Grass in dinosaur dung 10 million years too soon. Grass has been found identified in fossilized dinosaur dung. Not a big deal except it was not supposed to have evolved until at least 10 million years after the dinosaurs went extinct. So, dinosaurs were apparently eating grass millions of years before it had evolved. (2)

Larger mammals existed with dinosaurs. Mammals were eating smaller dinosaurs before larger mammals had evolved. A dog-sized mammal fossil was found with remains of dinosaurs in its stomach—but no mammals large enough to prey on dinosaurs were not supposed to exist alongside them.

100 million year old mammal hair. A mammal hair was found in amber supposed as 100 million years old. Once again, this is smack in the middle of the alleged ‘age of dinosaurs’ when no such mammals had evolved.

Ducks, Squirrels, Bees, Frogs, and Cockroaches all lived with dinosaurs. “To the surprise of many, ducks (3), squirrels (4), platypus (5), beaver-like (6), and badger-like (7) creatures have all been found in ‘dinosaur-era’ rock layers along with bees, cockroaches, frogs and pine trees.

Horses ran with dinosaurs 100 million years too early. In Uzbekistan, eighty-six consecutive hoof prints (from horses) were found in rocks dating back to the dinosaurs. A leading authority on the Grand Canyon also published photographs of “horse-like” hoof prints visible in the rocks there. The problems here is hoofed animals are supposed to have been predated by dinosaurs by more than 100 million years! (8)

The list goes on and on…

The evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record is so flexible that it can incorporate virtually any new change, no matter how unexpected. In other words, if an “out-of-order” fossil is found (according to their standard view), then it is just incorporated as new evidence to provide a better understanding of evolution! In short, evolution is assumed and then used to explain the fossils. So, no matter what we find, by the very nature of the way they interpret the facts, nothing would falsify evolution anyway!

If evolution happened, the fossil record should show continuous and gradual changes from the bottom to the top layers. Actually, many gaps or discontinuities appear throughout the fossil record. At the most fundamental level, a big gap exists between forms of life whose cells have nuclei (eukaryotes such as plants, animals, and fungi) and those that don’t (prokaryotes such as bacteria and blue-green algae). Fossil links are also missing between large groupings of plants, between single-celled forms of life and invertebrates (animals without backbones), among insects, between invertebrates and vertebrates (animals with backbones), between fish and amphibians, between amphibians and reptiles, between reptiles and mammals, between reptiles and birds, between primates and other mammals, and between apes and other primates. In fact, chains are missing, not links. The fossil record has been studied so thoroughly that it is safe to conclude that these gaps are real; they will never be filled.



3 Cretaceous duck ruffles feathers, BBC news,, 20 January 2005.

4 Mesozoic Squirrel, Nature 444:889–893, 2006. 

5 Swimming with dinos,, 24 January 2008, accessed 1 October 2010. 

6 Early Aquatic Mammal, Science 311(5764): 1068, 24 February 2006. 

7 Dinosaur-eating mammal discovered in China,, 14 January 2005.