Fact and Scientific Method:
“A well-established explanation acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation.”
A theory is neither true of false:
“Scientific theories are neither true nor false. A theory might be a good model or a bad model… but a theory never rises to the level of ‘true’ or falls to the level of ‘false’. If a theory was constructed or defended in a way that (makes) it impossible to look for contradictions it is not ‘falsifiable,’ and thus…not a valid theory.”
Falsifiability of theory.
“Falsifiability doesn’t mean that a theory will be falsified; it merely suggests that a theory must be testable, and expose itself to being falsified.”
https://www.quora.com/Why-must-a-theory-or-hypothesis-be-falsifiable-to-be-true. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-Hypothesis-and-Theory
Difference between Hypothesis and Theory:
“A hypothesis is a potential explanation or guess. A theory is a tool used to explain something. A hypothesis is considered subjective and is attached to the person hypothesizing. A theory is objective and holds its own even when detached from its origin.”
“An opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.”