Biblical Dragons Fossils Geological Philosophical Rapid Fossilization Young Earth


Dragon legends with specific details recorded in historical journals, painting, pottery, cave drawings and stone carvings all of which pre-date paleontology by thousands of years.

Dragon legends with specific details recorded in historical journals, painting, pottery, cave drawings and stone carvings all of which pre-date paleontology by thousands of years. Paleontology is thought to have originated in 1770, when large animal bones were found near Maastricht Netherlands in a mine quarry. By 1822, William Conybeare identified the remains of the dinosaur era marine reptile as a Mosasaur.

Evolution requires millions of years to have occurred, therefore if millions of years have not taken place evolution crumbles.

“Co-occurrence of men and dinosaurs, such an association would dispel an Earth with vast antiquity. The entire history of creation, including the day of rest, could be accommodated in the seven biblical days of Genesis myth. Evolution would be vanquished.”

Louis Jacobs, President of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.
Dinosaur figurines dated to being over 3,000 years old were found by German archeologist Waldenar Julsrud in 1925. He found these figurines at the foot of El Toro Mountain near Mexico city. These artifacts depicted several hundred different Dinosaurs including the Duck billed Trachodon, Gorgosaurus, Titanosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus Paleococincus, Diplodicus, Podokosaurus, Struthiomimos, Plesiosaur, Maiasaura, Rhamphorynchus, Iguanodon, Brachiosaurus, Pteranodon, Dimetrodon, Ichtyornis, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Rhynococephalia and perhaps other yet to be identified Dinosaur species. Some specimens were over five feet long while the majority were under a foot in length. In all there were over 33,500 figurine artifacts found.

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