Malaria and Sickle Cell
No Purpose, design, or intelligence
The Theory of Everything
Spontaneous Mutations Cause Cancer. John Hopkins Medicine has identified that spontaneous mutations (also called somatic mutations or DNA copying mistakes) contribute to a staggering 2/3 of all cancers in humans. Despite the evidence of a Google search, actual scientific research has clearly revealed that most all spontaneous mutations are bad, and the remainder are neutral. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists remarked regarding spontaneous mutational rates that, “good ones are so rare we can consider them all bad”1. The US National Library of Medicine (NCBI) as an authority on genetics and always slanted as pro-evolution concedes, “The vast majority of mutations are neutral or deleterious (harmful) 2.”
Entropy. Entropy can be illustrated as a hot coffee becoming room temperature or your new car breaking down as time passes. Entropy is hot things getting cold and organized things becoming disorganized things and new things becoming old as time passes. The more time that passes the worse things get. Such concepts are not hard to understand because we observe them literally everywhere. We find our homes, offices, and cars all requiring maintenance or falling into disrepair. Our yards and parks need landscaping, or they will be overrun by weeds. Our bodies require personal hygiene, or we will stink. Evolution must defy the powerful force of entropy because it functions opposite to it. Evolution imagines biological organisms building, improving, and diversifying with only the addition of time. Evolution imagines a universe that self-emerged, self-assembled, self-organized, and ultimately caused the emergence of life spontaneously. The concept of evolution here is non-scientific and violates known scientific laws including entropy.
Malaria. A spontaneous mutation occurred as a result of the havoc and massive death rates being caused by a parasite. The disease is called Malaria being caused by mosquito bites. More than one spontaneous mutation have occurred over the hundreds of years that humans have battled Malaria, but the primary mutation is called Sickle Cell. date.
Instinct. Such explanations fail to explain the vast mechanisms and systems of function, let alone origins! Such simplistic claims offer nothing more than a rudimentary arm chair explanation which describes beliefs, worldviews, but certainly not science. As an example to clarify: A coroner removes a heart from a cadaver during a medical class and asks the class what organ is this? The class answers unanimously: the heart. There is no classroom dissension or argument: it is the human heart. However, “heart” is merely a name used to categorize and explain what object we are talking about. However, beyond this, it does not provide any explanation to the mechanism of biological function of the heart, let alone the origins of such a biological machine.
Naturalism. Evolution falls under the larger umbrella of Naturalism. Naturalism is a worldview which proposes that everything exists without any supernatural or intelligent influence. Therefore, from the prospective of Naturalism by definition, everything that has happened in the universe, happened only by and because of a strict natural mechanism: spontaneous chance. Or another way to state it is everything exists for no reason, by cosmic accidents, by luck of unimaginable odds.
Sickle Cell. The result of Malaria causes normal red blood cells to change from a round shape to more of a “sickle” shape—thus the name. This spontaneous mutation emerged when a single amino acid letter of a 146 amino acid protein chain was spontaneously and randomly substituted by a different letter. This mutation was subsequently passed to the offspring of some of the humans that managed to survive. The transmission of this mutation causes offspring to be born with the Sickle Cell Trait. The clear benefit to the offspring was a vastly increased ability to survive the deadly disease of Malaria. If we stop here, then a spontaneous mutation has provided a beneficial trait that was passed to its offspring which emerged as humans surviving the normally deadly Malaria virus—this is Darwinian evolution. However, as more people with the Sickle Cell Trait began to have offspring (natural selection), it was discovered that when both parents had the Sickle Cell Trait then the offspring were born with Sickle Cell Disease. This disease continues to grow in the populations around the world because it is locked into genetics by natural selection. The disease has symptoms include anemia, fatigue, extreme tiredness, and jaundice. Over time, Sickle Cell Disease can lead to complications such as infections, delayed growth, and episodes of great pain. Adolescents and adults may also suffer with chronic, ongoing pain. Over a lifetime, the disease could harm the individual’s spleen, brain, eyes, lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, penis, joints, bones, or skin. Malaria is the best example and most extensively studied spontaneous mutation found in humans ever. As a case study, Malaria and Sickle Cell provides clear evidence that the population that gained the beneficial mutation luckily survived by causing an error in a protein chain that caused damage to red blood cellular shape. This error caused the recipients to receive degraded genetics. Yes, they survived but only at a massive cost genetically. Such evidence reveals the crippling weaknesses of spontaneous mutations as a mechanism for Darwinian evolution. Evolution demands that spontaneous mutations make “beneficial” changes while natural selection spreads the trait to the mass populations so the strong can survive. Well, here is the best example Darwinian evolution has to date.