Although scientists do not claim to know how life first began (there are many different conjectures and models as to how this may have occurred), it is expected it occurred through naturalistic processes. Perhaps the first life form was spontaneously assembled from amino acids found on meteors.
Abiogenesis, the naturalistic conjecture that proclaims life first emerged purely from non-living chemicals, “perhaps” when meteors crashed to the “early” Earth which “likely” generated hydrogen cyanide, which “could have” kick-started the production of bio-molecules needed to make the first cells of life.
Evolutionary theories point to meteors as containing many of the needed molecules to build nucleobases such as DNA or RNA. Or even containing amino acids to form protein chains. But is this really true?

However, we find these claims are wildly inaccurate and deceptive:

Meteors traveling through the earths atmosphere enter at very high temperatures as they burn through the stratosphere. When molecules form on these meteors it cannot be known whether these occurred (1) out in space (2) as entering the earths atmosphere (3) when cooling on earth or (4) any combination of these possibilities.

Regardless we are looking at the meteor as it was located (cooled) and while we do find the major elements found in the universe such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen we do NOT find any chemical structures used by any living organism. Even the amino acids structures have the wrong chirality and are often times bizarre in structure as compared to amino acids actually used in living things. There are 20 different amino acids used by all living organisms which are only manufactured by living organisms– none come from nature!
Having elements on a meteor is light years away from having any correct chemical structure to be used by life!

Amino acids can have a different Chirality or direction– like a left or right handed glove. All the amino acids on meteors and from the Miller Urey experiment have been right handed. All life on earth uses only left handed chirality amino acids.

The 20 left handed amino acids used by all life only are synthesized (or made) by life. For humans we manufacture (synthesize) 11 of them “non-essential” in our own molecular cellular factories, while we obtain the other 9 “essential” amino acids from food which in turn also synthesized amino acids in their cellular factories.
ALL amino acids used by cells originate from cells: either plant or animal.

The Miller Urey experiment (which has never been replicated to date) only produced a few ‘right
handed‘ amino acids. Again, amino acids merely require a double carbon bond.
These structures looked nothing like the ones used and manufactured by living organisms. They were also produced in The Miller Urey experiment in a supposed “early earth atmosphere” that lacked any free oxygen. This creates multitudes of other problems including an oxygen paradox which finds earth without an ozone layer (due to no free oxygen) which burns the earth and leaves no possibility for life on earth.

To make matters more vexing, none of these molecules can do their jobs without fatty lipids, which provide the membranes that cells need to hold their contents inside. And in yet another chicken-and-egg complication, protein-based enzymes (encoded by genetic molecules) are needed to synthesize lipids. The entire series of these functions must have been preexisting for life to have ever emerged. In other words, the more we learn about biology the more complex any “solution” to naturalism as the mechanism for life gets much worse. There are many paradoxes associated with life emerging through biological evolution and meteors are certainly interesting, they are not helpful as to providing any solutions for how life first emerged on earth.
[…] a protein chain or collecting the structures to self-assemble RNA or DNA from (say) a meteor or in a lab such as the Miller Urey experiment are absolutely […]
[…] have grasped at the idea perhaps a meteor or comet “seeded” the earth with amino acids to provide early earth with these needed […]